Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"You Can Do It Too"

Not too long ago, I had a convo with Fathom 9, a dope Memphis emcee and producer, about great music writers. We went back forth sharing stories. I shared one about singer and songwriter Darnell Levine and how I thought his music and writing was really great. My good friend Just Cindy, singer and poet from East St. Louis, had shared his first cd "We 'Gon Use What We Got" with me back in '08. "I was hooked. I couldn't stop listening to it." I told him. The more I discussed him and his music, I had the epiphany that Darnell Levine re-inspired me to get back to music. Sure there were others, but I remember distinctly that he was the first. Shortly thereafter, me and Fathom 9 parted ways. I thought more about our convo and realized now important it is for people to use the talents they have been blessed with. If it hadn't been for the people before me to inspire me by their gifts and talents, where would I be? I read a poster that read "You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you." As people and especially as artists we have the responsibility to inspire others with the gifts and talents that have been given to us. Not doing so would be a shame. We have gifts and talents to inspire and uplift not just ourselves, but others. Something as simple as smiling will inspire someone else to at least want do the same, if not actually do it. While writing this I'm reminded of a track from Dwele entitled "Some Kinda Prelude". It is a short poem, delivered by Dwele, that reminds me to keep following my dreams and pursuing my desires. I'll share it with you.


And so it is.
You're already one out of a million before you even take your first breath.
See your very own personal SOME KINDA...So keep on.

And she will let you know daily....
I brought you in, and I will take you out. (Laughs)
But, she won't though.
'Cause she herself believes that you have your very own special SOME KINDA
that you can bless this world with someday one day and thats for sho'...
How the sayin' go, momma knows...

If you are blessed with dance...
And when you do it the concrete that holds your feet
slides and adjust with your every movement
as thought it's trying to keep you afloat
just to see what you gonna do next?
That might be your SOME KINDA...

Keep on with your SOME KINDA music,
your SOME KINDA art...
Your seed might be the first president of your kind...
When he or she gets here, don't give up!
Nurture their SOME KINDA...

You may birth the next promoter of world peace.
World please
In your lives imitate this art that I have spoken
And keep on..

Some Kinda Prelude (from the Album, Some Kinda...)

I want to leave you with a line from the poem "Our Deepest Fear".

"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

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