What if the larva said that it didn't want grow anymore? Or, what if the caterpillar was okay being just that? If that were to happen, it would be a shame. It's no different than one not further developing themselves to become who they were meant to be. The process of going from one stage to another is somewhat difficult already without resisting the transformation. We all have dreams and desires that we ask for earnestly with our hearts, but don't always want to do what's necessary to achieve them. It hurts to see people with so much potential do absolutely nothing with it. I have a destiny. That, I know. But in order to achieve it, I have to do what I have never done before. Albert Einstein states that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Each stage of growth includes some initial discomfort and struggle. I know what it is I should do, have to do to make it to the next level. The question is,"Am I willing to do what it takes to get there?". Not taking that chance is not an option. I've taken this journey with a mission. It's time to keep moving on.
Time's a wastin...
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